Welcome to St. Nicholas of Tolentine, Jamaica! We strive to be a church that displays the love of Christ and connects with people of all walks of life through creative programs, discipleship, outreach and family-friendly environments. You are invited to join us in celebration, especially for weekend Mass!
Rev. Jovito B Carongay, Jr., Pastor
Rev. Noel A. Daduya, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Thomas P. Joseph, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Thomas Jorge, Permanent Deacon
Religious Education
Sr. Alice Michael, S.U.S.C., Director of Faith Formation
Mrs. Tuesday Coronel, Youth Minister
Mr. Jose L. Villanueva, Music Director
Mr. Steven Acosta, Maintenance Manager
St. Nicholas of Tolentine School
Mr. Robert Lowenberg, Principal
Mrs. Julissa Gonzalez, Secretary
Mrs. Lorraine White, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Sonya Vidal, Tuition Manager/Bookkeeper